HPE Horizontal Systems
The SERVA HPE™ horizontal systems BlueHorizon™ and BlueTower are flatbed polyacrylamide electrophoresis gel systems for 1 and 2-dimensional separations, providing second to none resolution, reproducibility and sensitivity – the first true High Performance Electrophoresis system.
The HPE™ BlueTower consists of four horizontal electrophoresis chambers, which
are built as movable drawers into a metal housing. The HPE™ BlueHorizon™ is a
single chamber system, that can be extended to two, three or four decks.
HPE™ BlueHorizon™ and HPE™BlueTower are connected to an external chiller for
optimum cooling by water flow through the plate(s). The system does not
require buffer chambers; instead fibre wicks are soaked with concentrated
electrophoresis buffers and placed between the gel edges and the electrode
rods, which are mounted into each lid. The electrode positions are adjustable
to different gel sizes. The gels, e.g. less than 1 mm thin film-backed precast
HPE™ gels, are protected from light during the run. No glass plates are used.
The gels are placed on ceramic cooling plates, which ensures very efficient
heat dissipation and therefore straight electrophoretic migration in each gel.
The HPE™ BlueTower is equipped with a sophisticated electronic sensor system
that delivers information about the electric field distribution between the
HPE™ gels, and indicates which drawer chambers are in use. The HPE™
BlueHorizon™ and BlueTower run by an external power supply (cat. no. HPE-PSP)
and a thermostatic circulator (cat. no. HPE-CU).