DOWEX® 1X8 (100 - 200 mesh)pract.

DOWEX 1X8 (100 - 200 mesh) is an anion exchanger of type I, strongly basic.
DOWEX ion exchange resins can be used for the chromatography of amino acids, sugar derivatives (borate complexes), nucleotides, antibiotics etc. The column length goes up to 100 times the diameter. Separation is based upon different dissociation constants of these substances. Elution can be performed by a stepwise or continuous change of eluent composition. The latter method is recommended for complex mixtures. The stepwise elution (which is rather a fractional elution than a chromatographic process) is particularly advantageous because the individual components will appear in high concentration on defined positions of the eluent.

Cross Linkage
Loss on Drying

8 % DVB
min. 1.2 eq/l
39 - 45 %

HS: 39140000
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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